Search Results for "stretch of the week"
368 Results
Everyone is Talking About IASTM. What is it?
Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, or more commonly known as IASTM, is the use of tools to assess tissue quality and to treat areas identified to have scar tissue, soft tissue restrictions, chronic inflammation or degeneration.Read More
Take Control of Your Tendons
A tendon is a connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone. This tissue can be subject to injury over a person’s lifespan. Tendons are unique in that they are capable of restoring and recoiling energy as well as being readily adaptable, with the ability to respond to loading or stress. One of the more famous...Read More
5 Ways to Stay Motivated in 2020
The good news is that New Years is just around the corner, and with that, another chance to set some New Years resolutions. If you’re similar to the majority of Americans, one or more of your resolutions will revolve around health in some way, shape or form. Whether it’s to get in shape again, lose...Read More
Tips for Starting a New Exercise Routine
Physical activity has been shown to improve health and wellbeing, specifically by reducing the risk of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In fact, the benefits of exercise are abundant – going beyond the ability to reduce risk for chronic health conditions. Research shows that a regular exercise program can help control...Read More
Jennifer Dawson
Athletico in West Des Moines is a great place to go for therapy and rehabilitation. When I started going at the beginning of August, I was just released to go back to work after I was off work for 2 1/2 months from breaking my leg (a Tib/Fib break) in a sporting accident. I was...Read More
Have You Performed the Chair Challenge?
New social media challenges arise every day, and one of the latest ones taking the internet by storm is called the chair challenge. What is it? This challenge, which has gained popularity on social app TikTok, requires the person performing it to stand facing a wall (with a chair nearby). They take 2- 3 steps...Read More
What is Sciatica and Can Physical Therapy Help?
The sciatic nerve is a large nerve comprised of smaller nerves that originate in the low lumbar and sacral regions of the spine. The sciatic nerve starts in the low back, travels through the buttock, and into the back of your leg. It has branches that travel all the way to the foot. Sciatic symptoms...Read More
The Hip: The Forgotten Joint
Although it’s one of the biggest and most important joints in the human body, the hip joint is sometimes overlooked when evaluating, treating and diagnosing musculoskeletal conditions. With normal movement patterning, the hip is used heavily for bending, twisting, rotating and propelling forward. Mechanical breakdowns will occur if the hip is unable to function at...Read More