Search Results for "stretch of the week"
368 Results
What is Swimmer’s Shoulder?
Swimming – whether for recreation, for exercise, or as part of an organized team – is well known as a low impact, excellent source of activity. While swimming has many benefits for both cardiovascular health and strengthening of multiple muscle groups, it is not without risks.Read More
Joseph Weber
I was a little skeptical about physical therapy as I had a bad experience years ago. Half the hour was spent with a heating pad on my back. I could do that at home. But, I went to Athletico with an open mind and was pleasantly surprised. I went four weeks with two sessions a...Read More
Why is this Scar Still Bothering Me? Understanding and Decreasing Scar Tissue
Great news: your body has done some healing after an injury or surgery. Not so great news: now you are looking at a scar. The scar might be long or short. It might be raised, flat or indented. It could be a range of colors. It might be painful or sensitive. But, for whatever reason,...Read More
Are You Ready for the Bottle Cap Challenge?
If you have been on social media over the last few weeks, chances are you have seen the bottle cap challenge. This internet challenge requires you to unscrew a bottle cap with your foot, typically with a roundhouse kick.Read More
Is Back Pain Common in Cheerleading?
Cheerleading is a common sport in high schools and universities but it is also popular as a competitive all-star sport. These all-star teams are often a variety of ages, they can be co-ed, and the teams practice multiple days per week for competitions. Due to the nature of the sport, cheerleaders are more susceptible to...Read More
Expert Running Tips: Exercises from Athletico’s Endurance Team
Whether you are training for a 5k or a marathon, it is common for runners to experience soreness and/or tightness during training. To help with this, we reached out to our endurance team to ask about their top exercises for runners. Read below to see their recommendations:Read More
How to Avoid Burnout During Marathon Training
We’ve all been there before. The dread of the alarm going off at 4am. Checking the weather multiple times only to see the heat index is still indeed in the 90s. Sometimes it may manifest in the form of excuses….. “I had a long day, maybe I’ll skip this run today.” Burnout. It’s a thing.Read More
To the Pointe: Common Foot and Ankle Injuries Among Dancers
Dancers are often known for the beautiful lines and shapes they can achieve with their bodies. They are able to spin on the tips of their toes and jump high into the air, landing ever so gracefully on their feet. Due to the demands of the sport, it is not a surprise that foot and...Read More