Search Results for "stretch of the week"
368 Results
Muscle Pain During Pregnancy: Part 1
Editor’s note: Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be rolling out a three part series to common symptoms during pregnancy and how to treat them! Help! What Is This Pain I Am Experiencing During My Pregnancy? You’re pregnant! It’s an exciting and busy time for you. So, why are you having...Read More
Physical Therapy for Patients with Cancer
Physical therapists are medical professionals who specialize in using exercise to treat a variety of conditions. Physical therapists treat patients with post-surgical shoulders and knees, orthopaedic related pain; patients who have suffered a stroke, heart attack; patients who may have developmental delays or are at risk for frequent falls. Many people benefit from physical therapy...Read More
So you signed up for a Marathon, Now What?!
Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger Jennifer Short, PT at Athletico Garfield Ridge/Midway Congratulations! You are registered for a Marathon, but now what? Running 26.2 miles at once seems daunting but with a plan and dedication you can accomplish this goal. Here are 5 tips to get you off and running on the...Read More
How To Prepare For Your First Race!
Spring is in the Air! After a harsh winter, spring has finally sprung and the official start to the Chicago running season has begun with the completion of the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle this past weekend. Were you out there among the thousands running on Sunday? Were you standing on the sidelines cheering on...Read More
Transitioning from the Gym to Exercising Outside
Spring is here! You have probably been itching to get outside to enjoy the warmer temperatures. But before you do, remember these tips to help you transition from the gym to exercising outside.Read More
Athletico Physical Therapy and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association want you to know that “We’ve Got Your Back.”
Sore Back? You and Most Americans Could Benefit from an Athletic Trainer Back pain is a common problem that affects millions. In fact, eight out of ten people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Whether you wrenched your back in a weekend tennis game, strained it by lifting a heavy load,...Read More
Behind the Lines of Prepping for the Big Game
Today’s post was co-authored by Joey Brutzkus, ATC – intern with the Chicago Bears in 2010 Keeping players healthy in the NFL is tough enough under normal circumstances, but the distractions and change of venue for the Super Bowl can make that an even bigger challenge. Luckily, athletic trainers are used to working in foreign...Read More
Groin Injuries in Athletes
Week 7 in professional football brought about multiple injuries to high profile players across the league, including Bears QB, Jay Cutler who suffered a groin injury. Interestingly enough, Joakim Noah with the Bulls is being held out until the season opener with a similar injury. When doctors talk about true groin muscles, they’re referring to...Read More