Search Results for "stretch of the week"
368 Results
Endurance Rehabilitation
Maximize Your Potential Whether you’re a recreational jogger or a competitive athlete, our Endurance Rehabilitation Program can help you regain your peak performance level. Athletico’s Endurance Program is specifically designed to evaluate, treat and educate athletes in the prevention of endurance related injuries. We teach runners, cyclists, swimmers, and adventure racers the importance of balancing...Read More
Free Assessment
Pain Or Injury? Let Us Take The First Look. Have a sprain, strain or nagging pain? Schedule an in-clinic or virtual free assessment. Your free assessment is a one-on-one conversation about your goals with one of our licensed healthcare experts. We listen carefully to fully evaluate your complaint so we can recommend the best treatment...Read More
What Hurts?
Questions About Your Injury Or Pain? Athletico has created an injury hotline available to anyone who sustains an injury or has questions about pain, strains or injuries. A certified and licensed athletic trainer (AT) will answer your questions and direct you appropriately for care. Call Athletico’s Injury Hotline at 1-877-ATHLETICO (877-284-5384). Click here to find...Read More
Massage Therapy for Shoulder Pain
Before working as a clinical massage therapist in the physical therapy field, I had no idea how many people were walking around with shoulder pain and decreased range of motion in their shoulders. Now I find myself working on just as many shoulders as I do backs and necks. This blog post will give you...Read More
How to Alleviate Whiplash Symptoms
Crash! That dreaded sound of your car hitting someone else’s car. After making sure you are okay and checking the damage to your car, you start to think about the headache (literally!) that will follow a car accident. Even in very minor car collisions, you may experience whiplash symptoms, which can easily turn to chronic...Read More
ACL Injuries and Return to High-Level Basketball
Editor’s Note: Today’s post is written by Jeff Stein, PT, DPT, MS, ATC, who is the team physical therapist for the Chicago White Sox and was the Head Team Athletic Trainer/Physical Therapist for the Purdue Men’s Basketball Team from 2006-2012. Stein helped rehabilitate All-American basketball player Robbie Hummel of Purdue and NBA player Carl Landry...Read More
IT Band Syndrome: The Top 5 Causes and Solutions
Running season has arrived and a lot of you wanted to hit the ground running, but instead, you hit the ground hurting…hurting on the outside of your knee. If that’s the case, you could have iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) or IT band syndrome for short. IT band syndrome is an overuse injury that is common in endurance...Read More
Medical Mission to Honduras Changes Lives
* Editor’s Note: For the past 5 years, Athletico has supported and participated in a week-long medical brigade in Honduras through Global Brigades. Athletico volunteers have helped in supportive roles such as interpreting, running the pharmacy, triage, dental staffing, and this year, formal physical and occupational therapy. Over 600 patients were seen this year by...Read More