Search Results for "stretch of the week"
368 Results
Stretch of the Week: Bosu® Ball Half Splits
For the second week of May we will be performing the Bosu® Ball Half Splits Stretch! Remember a Bosu® Ball is being used for added core stability and strength, but you certainly can do this stretch (and all of May’s weekly stretches) without one.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Bosu® Ball Lunge
For the month of May we are adding a stability component to our weekly stretch. This month we will be using a Bosu® Ball! If you don’t have one available, you can still do all of these stretches without one. The Bosu® Ball will just be adding a bit of core strength to the stretches.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Seated Straight Leg Twist
April’s fourth and final stretch is very similar to week one’s Reclined Straight Leg Twist, but is performed in a sitting position instead of laying down. This stretch is called Seated Straight Leg Twist and will stretch the side, back, and hamstring muscles.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Childs Pose Twist
Continuing with our twist theme, the third stretch for April is taken from yoga and is called Childs Pose Twist. It will focus on stretching muscles around the spine and throughout the sides of the body.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Easy Seated Twist
In our second week of twists this month, we will be stretching the inner thigh and back muscles. This stretch is called Easy Seated Twist.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Reclined Straight Leg Twist
Our weekly stretches in April will focus on twists! Twisting through the middle of your body stretches the back muscles as well as the sides and front of your body. Twisting also helps the digestive process by stimulating the intestines.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Biceps Self-Massage
Since there are five weeks in March, I am providing you with a biceps self-massage technique for this last week!Read More
Stretch of the Week: The Rack
The fourth week of March brings us to a stretch called “The Rack.” Although it may sound a little daunting, it’s actually an easy and wonderful stretch!Read More