Search Results for "stretch of the week"
368 Results
Stretch of the Week: Arm Extension Bicep Stretch
The third week of March is an Arm Extension Bicep Stretch. With this stretch, the arm will perform a backward reaching movement that you will feel in the top of the biceps, the chest and maybe a little into the forearm.Read More
Stretch of the Week: External Arm Rotation Stretch
For the second week of March, we will be performing the External Arm Rotation Stretch. You will feel this stretch in the biceps as well as the forearm muscles.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Wall Clock Arm Stretch
For the month of March we are stretching our biceps muscles. The bicep has two “heads” that form into one single muscle belly, which lays between the elbow and shoulder joint. The biceps flexes the arm (bringing wrist to shoulder), helps abduct the shoulder (lift it away from your side) and rotates the forearm outward....Read More
Stretch of the Week: Bridge with Interlaced Fingers
Although the fourth stretch in February looks very similar to week two, it is different. This stretch, called the Bridge with Interlaced Fingers, gives more stretch across the chest and also works the biceps.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Standing Chest Stretch
The third week of February brings us to a Standing Chest Stretch. It will stretch the muscles in the chest as well as along the top of the arm (mostly biceps).Read More
Stretch of the Week: Supported Reclined Front Body Stretch
For the second week of February’s “heart opener” theme, we will be performing the Supported Reclined Front Body Stretch. It will gently stretch the abdominals, rib and chest muscles and the biceps muscle of the upper arm.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Beach Ball Hug & Expansion Dynamic Stretch
February is here! Since Valentine’s Day is around the corner, this month’s theme will be chest stretches – also known as “Heart Openers.”Read More
Bonus Stretch of the Week: Butterfly Stretch
We are offering a bonus stretch as we close up the first month of 2017. This month’s last inner thigh stretch also gets into the backside of the hips, the glutes and piriformis muscles. It is called the Butterfly Stretch.Read More