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Tag: ankle sprain


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P.R.I.C.E. for an Ankle Injury

Posted on by Kathleen Warner PT, DPT, OCS

Ankle sprains are one of the most common orthopedic injuries. Common ways to end up with a painful, swollen ankle include:

  • A misstep off a curb or stair
  • A poor landing from a jump in an athletic activity
  • A stumble while wearing high heels
  • A slip on a patch of ice


Did I Sprain My Ankle?

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Most people have rolled their ankle at some point in their lives – we step funny on grass, land strange after a jump, or even step off a step wrong and the ankle just twists a little (or a lot). But how do you recognize if you sprained your ankle or if it is a more serious injury?


Identifying Common Injuries in the Weekend Warrior

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Weekend warriors are those that complete vigorous workouts and recreational activities on weekends with minimal physical activity during the rest of the week.


6 Ways to Prevent Ankle Sprains

Posted on by Athletico

An estimated 25,000 Americans suffer from an ankle sprain each day according to research from the American College of Sports Medicine.


Beauty Before Pain: One Therapist’s Perspective on High Heel Shoes

Posted on by Athletico

“I had surgery 2 weeks ago. When can I wear heels?”

“I wore heels for 30 years, every day at my job. Now I can’t wear flat shoes because my ankles are too tight.”

“I have a growth in my foot that is pressing on some nerves. I just want to wear heels again.”

“Please tell my daughter not to wear 5 inch heels!”

These are a few statements, as a therapist, I hear more often than you may think!  Woman LOVE their high heeled shoes! I recently went to a dancing event where a family friend showed off her dance heels to me. I asked her why she wasn’t dancing, and she told me that she couldn’t stay balanced in her dance shoes! Now I am a girl, and I like to dress up and put on heels, too. However, as a therapist who sees heel lovers suffer ankle fractures and sprains, I have to wonder: Is the thought of “beauty before pain” truly worth it? (more…)

Preventing Recurrent Ankle Sprains

Posted on by Athletico

When I treat a patient after an ankle sprain, I am never surprised to find out that this may not be the first time they sprained their ankle. I often have younger athletes in the clinic after their second or third ankle sprain and find out that they never had any formal treatment after the first one. So why are recurring ankle sprains so common and how can we prevent them? (more…)

5 Reasons to Improve Your Balance

Posted on by Athletico

Working on your balance probably isn’t an integral part of your everyday life, but I’m prepared to make the case that it should be. The benefits for improved balance range from a reduced risk of injury to improving intelligence and even potentially increasing one’s life span. With that in mind, here are my five reasons to work on improving your balance, as well as some ideas on how to get started. (more…)

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