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Stretch of the Week: Supine Twist

Posted on by Athletico

It’s the fourth week of March and we are still going strong with the twist stretches! This week is a supine twist, a twist done while on your back. If you can not get all the way to the floor, you can do this one on the bed! It’s actually a great one to do first thing when you wake up, or last thing you do before you go to sleep, so the bed is a perfect spot:)  (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Head to Knee Forward Fold

Posted on by Athletico

This week’s stretch is called head to knee forward fold. Don’t let the name fool you! It can take years to actually get the forehead to the knee WITHOUT rounding in the back. Just do your best and be happy with where you are in it today 🙂 This stretch is great for calming the mind, relieving mild depression/anxiety, simulating the liver/kidneys and also helps to improve digestion just to name a few benefits!


Stretch of the Week: Hamstring Stretch Part II

Posted on by Athletico

Keeping with our theme of stretching the hamstrings for this month, I give you wide angle seated forward fold! Things you might need for this stretch: a blanket/towel and possibly a block, or something to rest the hands on as shown in the photo.


Stretch of the Week: Hamstring Stretches

Posted on by Athletico

Welcome to the stretch of the week blog! This weekly blog is intended to expose you to different stretches that will help make the body more functional and to help reduce pain, which will hopefully help you live a happier healthier life! These stretches will have a yoga origin. (more…)

How Physical Therapy Can Help Back Pain

Posted on by Lori Diamos

The back is designed to protect the spinal cord. However, it is also like a set of stackable blocks with bones that connect and run from the base of the head, to the bottom of our tailbone. Those stackable blocks keep us erect/upright, maintain posture, absorb shock and provide a stable base for our arms and legs to attach to for everyday movement.  There are three sections of the spine: (more…)

Getting Through Your Long Runs: Debut Marathoner Edition

Posted on by Athletico

As you approach your longest training run to date as part of your training for your very first marathon, you might start to feel some aches and pains that you did not feel with your shorter distance runs.  Listed below are three common running injuries/discomforts that you may encounter.  It is important to do what you can to minimize these aches and pains before the big day arrives in just over a month.


PostPartum Back Pain: How to Get Relief

Posted on by Athletico

You’ve made it through the 9 months of pregnancy and now you can interact with your adorable little one face to face!

With all the time spent snuggling, rocking, carrying, and feeding your infant, your back is feeling tense and sore. Wait! This is not how you imagined this special time would be!

Caring for an infant creates new stresses on your lower and upper back. You now are carrying your little one frequently during the day in your arms or perhaps in their infant car seat. To soothe your baby, you may be standing and rocking or bouncing them for an extended period. You bend over frequently to pick them up from the crib or change their diapers. Even feeding them for an extended time puts stress on your upper back.

What can you do about it now? (more…)

A Twist on Fall Fitness: Helpful Resources for Some Family Friendly Fun

Posted on by Lori Diamos

Fall is one of my favorite seasons as I love the vibrant colors and the more comfortable temperatures. It is also a great time to be active so below are some family friendly activities to consider taking part in this fall. If by chance we don’t mention one of your favorites be sure to take a second to share your fall activity idea below so we can all add it to our list of possibilities. (more…)

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