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4 Tips For Knee Pain That Help Runners Go The Extra Mile

Posted on by Chelsea Silva, PT, DPT

Runners are some of the most motivated and driven athletes we encounter in the physical therapy world. Most of the time, this is great, but sometimes, they push through aches and pains until they turn into injuries. A common complaint we hear in runners is knee pain. Although pushing through some pain is okay, it should never limit your performance. Here are a few proactive ways to avoid knee pain and go that extra mile.


3 ACL Injury Risk Factors You Can Change

Posted on by Athletico

I was recently asked by ESPN’s Sports Medicine Weekly radio show to do an interview related to a recent article in the Chicago Tribune covering the recent increase in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. The article states that over the last decade, some orthopedic groups have seen a 400% increase in torn ACLs and that a huge segment of that growing population is female. In fact,some studies have shown that females can be up to 8 times more likely to tear their ACL than males playing the same sport, so I’d like to focus on that segment of the population. During my time with Dr. Cole and Steve Kashul, we covered some of the reasons why the increase in these injuries is happening, but I’d like to take this opportunity to briefly expand on some of the ideas brought up in the interview. (more…)

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