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Stretch of the Week: Dolphin Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

The last calf stretch of February is the Dolphin stretch. The Dolphin Stretch is a bonus stretch because it will get into the shoulders and the upper back as well as the calves! It’s very similar to the forearm stretch on the wall from week 2 in January if you want to go back and take a look, but we are taking it to the floor this week.


Stretch of the Week: Wall Calf Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

It’s week 3 of loving our calves, and this week is one of my favorite stretches! I call this the Wall Calf Stretch. It’s slightly an inversion (upside down) so please be careful if you have a blood pressure issue or get vertigo easily. For the Wall Calf Stretch you’ll  probably need a little wall space. 🙂 (more…)

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