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Tag: clinical massage


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Do Massage Guns Really Work?

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA

A massage gun is a tool commonly used today to help improve muscle soreness and mobility, as well as aid in muscle recovery. There are a variety of brands of massage guns that have quickly become a growing “fad” within the health and fitness industry. But what exactly do massage guns do and do they really work? Relief may be as simple as a small device that fits in the palm of your hand!


5 People Who Need a Massage Right NOW

Posted on by Athletico

Although massage therapy is often thought of as a luxury, there are many people who could benefit from the preventative care technique. Not only does massage therapy aid in relaxation, but the practice can also reduce stress, lower blood pressure and enhance mobility. While everyone could benefit from a massage, there are some people who would be wise to take advantage of the service on a regular basis, including:


Massage Therapy to Enhance your Rehabilitation

Posted on by Athletico

As a massage therapist, I am often asked what the difference is between a ‘regular’ massage and a ‘clinical’ or ‘rehab’ massage. This is a great question, especially with the frequency of half-off massage deals that are being offered everyday. The result of these daily deals is that a lot of people are going for a massage wherever they can find the best deal. Is this bad? Not necessarily. What’s important is to ask yourself, “Why do I need a massage?” If you are getting a massage because you enjoy receiving them but don’t necessarily have a chronic injury or problem area, then this is probably fine. I do have to note that there are great benefits in seeing the same practitioner. A licensed massage therapist who sees you regularly will get to know your body and could help you identify potential issues. (more…)

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