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The Pros and Cons of CrossFit Workouts

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

Continuing the series focused on fitness and different types of exercise, I want to take a popular workout method, Crossfit, and go through some of the potential pros and cons of the sport. I am a physical therapist and someone who loves training with a barbell, so anytime I can help someone get into that type of training, even if it’s not my preferred method, I am thrilled. I view fitness and training as all-inclusive, where everyone is welcome and can do what makes them happy.


CrossFit: What is it and is it for me?

Posted on by Athletico

Editor’s Note: Today’s post is written by Athletico’s Rachel Kowalczyk, PT, DPT.

Many of you have probably heard of CrossFit, and you may be wondering exactly what it is, if it’s safe, and more importantly, if it’s for you. As a physical therapist as well as someone who trains with CrossFit, I’d thought I’d share my experience with this training program to help you decide if CrossFit is the workout program for your health and fitness needs. (more…)

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