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Adding 3D “Fun”ction to Your Walk or Run: Part 1

Posted on by Lori Diamos

Now that warmer weather is finally here, we are all stir crazy to get outside and start having some fun in the sun. A simple and easy way to have fun in the sun with exercise is to start a walking or running program. In the spring and summer months you’ll see walkers or joggers on the lakefront, in the parks, on the sidewalks, along a forest or preserve trail, and sometimes even in the streets. Because walking and running are inherently familiar to most of us, we don’t often think outside the box and try to incorporate ways to make it better or safer. So today we will not only review some basics, but we will show you how and why to add a 3D component to not only your walk and run but also to your pre-activity warm-up and post-activity stretching routine. (more…)

Active Lifestyles and Achilles Tendinitis

Posted on by Athletico

Have you ever experienced pain or swelling in your Achilles heel after prolonged activity? Though the Achilles is the strongest tendon in the body, it’s still susceptible to injury. Achilles tendinitis is an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon, which is the tendon that connects the calf muscles at the back of your lower leg to your heel bone. It is a common condition in endurance athletes and other athletes who put repetitive stress on their feet and Achilles tendon. Here are some of the common causes, symptoms, and ways to manage the pain. (more…)

The Bump on Your Shin: What It Is and What to Do

Posted on by Athletico

As an athletic trainer that works with young, active populations, I get a lot of questions about injuries– some more common than others. One of the more common questions I get– especially adolescents – is “What is this bump below my knee?” The answer is almost always Osgood-Schlatter disease – a condition that sounds like the end of the world, but isn’t anything to lose sleep over. (more…)

Congratulations! You finished your big, milestone race! Um, now what?

Posted on by Athletico

Welcome to post-race letdown. It is completely normal and even inevitable to feel a big letdown after a milestone race. Being the type-A person most athletes are, you’ve trained and sacrificed for months preparing yourself and now just like that, it’s done. Hopefully race day went well and you achieved your goal, but even if you didn’t, the feelings are the same. You have been focusing on that event for months and now it’s over. It’s easy to let that bring you down, but you don’t have to let that happen. This post will give hints on how you can avoid post-race letdown. (more…)

Hydrating for Performance and Health

Posted on by Athletico

At first, hydration might seem like a dry topic, but there is more to it than just drinking water. Many people may not realize that hydration levels can affect everything from essential bodily functions to your mental and physical performance levels, making it an ideal topic to cover with hordes of athletes returning to their sports this week. (more…)

Hip Flexor Tightness in Distance Runners

Posted on by Athletico

Now that spring is here and it is beautiful outside, a lot of runners really begin to build their mileage. When this happens, I usually start to see a lot of hip flexor pain and tightness. This problem is really common in distance runners. Tight hip flexors are a major cause of many posture problems. In runners, it is mainly caused by repetitive use and weak glutes. In people who sit a lot, well, it is caused by sitting a lot. This posting covers what to do if you are running a lot. (more…)

Base Training for a Marathon

Posted on by Athletico

Congratulations! You made the commitment and registered for a Marathon. Whether this is your first or your 50th marathon, I’m sure you are excited to get going. Now comes the tough part for most marathoners-what do I do now? (more…)

Tips to Avoid Overuse Injuries

Posted on by Athletico

New Year’s resolutions to become more active are great. I hope everyone who made a resolution to be fit is starting to see a difference. That said, if someone has been pretty sedentary, and he or she jumps into a new fitness program too quickly, overuse injuries can occur. Understanding how to pace yourself while getting fit is key. (more…)

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