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Tag: fall activities


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6 Stretches to Try Before Raking the Leaves

Posted on by Athletico

After a summer of hot weather and mowing lawns, we now look forward to the changing colors of the trees and the inevitable downfall of leaves. While this may invoke memories of children making piles of leaves to jump in and enjoy, for those of use with larger trees near our yards, it can mean something much different. Raking is a repetitive task that can cause real aggravation to some of the more vulnerable structures in our lower back and shoulders. Luckily, you can always limit your risk of injury or strain with a proper stretch and warm up before picking up the rake. Here are a few stretches to try:


5 Fun Ways to Stay Active this Fall

Posted on by Athletico

Autumn is officially here and it is one of the best times of the year to be active outdoors.

Not only are the temperatures more comfortable this time of year – making it more enjoyable to exercise outside – but there are also many autumn-specific activities that you can take advantage of to get your body up and moving. Plus, staying active is a good habit to form before the holiday season arrives, as your home is likely to be full of delicious (but not-so-healthy) food in November and December.


A Twist on Fall Fitness: Helpful Resources for Some Family Friendly Fun

Posted on by Lori Diamos

Fall is one of my favorite seasons as I love the vibrant colors and the more comfortable temperatures. It is also a great time to be active so below are some family friendly activities to consider taking part in this fall. If by chance we don’t mention one of your favorites be sure to take a second to share your fall activity idea below so we can all add it to our list of possibilities. (more…)

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