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Tag: fall prevention


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How To Weather The Wintertime To Prevent Slips And Falls

Posted on by Kathleen Habschmidt PT, DPT

As we navigate this time of year, we face the inevitable challenges of cold, snowy, and icy weather. While these elements bring the joy of winter sports and the warmth of cozy evenings by the fire, they also increase the risk of slips and falls. In this blog, we’ll cover helpful tips on how to stay safe and prevent these accidents during the winter months.


Expect The Unexpected: Tips To Get Ahead Of Slips And Falls According To A Movement Expert

Posted on by Kimberly Smith, PT, DPT, VRT

Are you like most people and wait to address something until you HAVE to? Do you wait until your car is running on empty before filling up the tank? Do you wait until your hunger pains are unbearable before eating? A slip is considered one of the leading causes of falls in older adults. Each year, 3 million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries.


Am I At Risk For Falls?

Posted on by Peter Batz, PT, DPT, OCS, CMTPT, AIB-VRC

A fall is something that nobody wants to experience. They can leave us or a loved one with bruises, scrapes, broken bones and worse. But how do we know if we are at risk for falls? Answer the questions below to see if you are someone that is at a higher risk for falls and learn the resources available to help prevent a fall from occurring.


Tips From A PT: 8 Ways To Prevent Falling On Stairs

Posted on by Rebecca Pudvah PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS

Falls can occur anywhere at any time, especially when going up and down flights of stairs. Regardless of age or ability, everyone can practice fall prevention to avoid injuries in and out of the home. Looking for a way to keep you or a loved one safe at home? Here is a list of some ways to reduce the risk of falls and injuries on stairs.


From Swelling after an Injury to Static Stretches for Improved Flexibility: Top 10 Blogs of 2022

Posted on by Athletico

As the 2022 year ends, we looked back at the top ten blogs that our knowledgeable clinicians here at Athletico wrote on various topics related to injuries, the effectiveness of dry needling, the benefits of stretching, and more!


Stop Falls Before They Happen

Posted on by Malvika Sampath, PT, DPT

The CDC reports that over 800,000 people are hospitalized each year due to a fall. This is a huge number of people, but there is the potential to mitigate some risks associated with falls. This blog will educate you on a few exercises to build up strength and balance to assist in the prevention of falls.


A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Balance Training

Posted on by Kimberly Smith, PT, DPT, VRT

Kimberly Smith is the Assistant Manager of Clinical Programs, IL Regional Coordinator – Vestibular/Concussion Program

If you or someone you know has fallen, you are not alone. Balance quickly diminishes after the mid-50s, increasing the risk for falls and other adverse health outcomes. According to the National Institute on Aging, 1 in 3 individuals will suffer a fall each year. The good news is it is never too late to improve your balance and fitness to decrease these risks. This may be as simple as making minor changes, just a few minutes a day, and using your local Physical Therapist as a resource! The pandemic has not helped reduce the falls problem, as most of the population 65 and older became stationary, less active, and was not challenging their bodies to the full potential. As part of Falls Prevention Awareness Month this September, we would like to highlight the importance of early detection and prevention for yourself or a loved one.


Fall Prevention for a Loved One Who Lives Alone

Posted on by Rebecca Pudvah PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS

Do you have a loved one who is a little unsteady on their feet, has a history of falls, or is too “stubborn” to use a cane or rolling walker? Here is a quick list of tips to help keep their home as safe as possible.


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