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Tag: fascia


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Stop, Drop And Roll: Should You Be Using A Foam Roller?

Posted on by Zachary Vandenberg, DPT

Foam rollers have become a staple in many physical therapy clinics and gyms. If you have never seen one before, it is a 3 ft x 6-inch foam cylinder that can be used for stretching and massaging muscles during the recovery process as well as pre and post-workout. While it is a simple looking tool, there are many ways to use it. Many people swear by the benefits of foam rolling stating that it helps them feel more limber and reduce pain. These claims certainly sound good, but what does rolling out your muscles actually do and could it be a beneficial tool for you?


What is Fascia

Posted on by Athletico

Have you ever heard of fascia? In the physical medicine world, fascia has a lot of buzz right now. We have known about fascia for a long time now, but are only now starting to realize how amazing and important it truly is. If the word sounds familiar to you, you are probably thinking of terms like ‘plantar fasciitis’ or ‘myofascial release’. And if you haven’t heard this term, well you’re in the right place! (more…)

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