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Spring Sports Nutrition

Posted on by Athletico

Whether you’re at home training or returning to play with your team, there’s no doubt that athletes put a significant amount of time and energy into their favorite sport. For the athletes involved at all levels, this means an increased demand on their bodies. During the average soccer game, a player could run up to 5 miles. Double headers can mean up to 7-8 hours in the field. I think it goes without saying, if you are not putting the right fuel in your body, it would be pretty easy to run out of gas. (more…)

The Common Sense Solution to Eating Healthy

Posted on by Athletico

Every day when you turn on the news there is someone discussing the latest and greatest diet trend to “try today!” Americans have gone low carb, no carb, raw, vegan, Paleo, low fat, south beach and cabbage soup! We have tried everything, so why are we still getting bigger? What is the answer? I am sorry to say that there is no one answer. If there was one answer, we would all be skinny! So, here is a common sense, gimmick-free look at what we should be eating: (more…)

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