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Tag: golfers


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8 Off-Season Golf Training Exercises

Posted on by Athletico

With the unexpected warm weather we have been experiencing recently, it is likely that many of us have wanted to get out on the links sooner than later. Hopefully the wave of warm weather we have been experiencing will continue and allow for an early start to the golf season. Before the start of the season, however, it is a good idea to tune-up your body. With a few weeks of preparation, you can bring your game to the next level in 2017.


Knee Stability in Golfers

Posted on by Athletico

The knee can be a very simple or complex structure, especially in terms of the golf swing.  The knee joint is simply the femur (thigh bone) connecting to the tibia (shin bone). The knee is constructed to simply flex/bend and extend/straighten. Or is this joint really that simple?


Techniques For Preventing Low Back Pain In Golf

Posted on by Athletico

*Editor’s note: Today’s post was written by Melissa Boger, ATC, CSCS, NASM-PES/CES.

When I am working with golfers, the number one complaint that I hear is low back pain (LBP) while golfing. Many golfers think that LBP is something that they just have to live with or play through. The good news is that LBP during golf can be prevented or significantly reduced by taking some simple steps to help your body move in a healthier more efficient way. LBP can be caused by a number of different reasons ranging from muscle weakness to muscle inflexibility to poor golf posture, but no matter what the reason is, most LBP during golf can be treated by improving on 3 major components:  Mobility, Stability and Strength. (more…)

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