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Tag: hamstrings


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Hamstring Injuries & Running

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA

Hamstring injuries can be one of the most common injuries in sports and can be related to running. Despite being one of the most common injuries, the mechanism (the cause) of the injury is still very poorly understood and requires more research. So, what do we know currently about hamstring injuries and their relationship to running? Here’s what every runner should know about hamstring injuries as an endurance athlete and what to do if you experience one for yourself.


Protecting Your Knees Throughout All Stages of Life

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

The knees are a common area for injury and pain, with incidences occurring in roughly one-fifth of the population, and this is only second behind back pain. Because of this, it is common to hear someone you know talk about their “bad knees” at some point or another, especially in the older population. While knee pain can be common, it is also fairly easy to take care of to keep pain at bay and it is best to start working on them as early as possible.

The following information will help you get in touch with your knees and keep them as pain-free as possible as you age.


The Basics: Sprains, Strains, and Fractures…What’s The Difference?

Posted on by Owen Campbell, PT, DPT, OCS

“I sprained my hamstring!” “I didn’t break it. I fractured it.” “He had a bad ankle strain.” Physical therapists, occupational therapists, and most medical professionals cringe when we hear this at parties, in the media, or our clinic. The tactful among us do their best to resist the urge to correct, but let’s face it, we are only human.


Stretch of the Week: Wall Calf Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

It’s week 3 of loving our calves, and this week is one of my favorite stretches! I call this the Wall Calf Stretch. It’s slightly an inversion (upside down) so please be careful if you have a blood pressure issue or get vertigo easily. For the Wall Calf Stretch you’ll  probably need a little wall space. 🙂 (more…)

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