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Shin Splints: Who is at Risk?

Posted on by Athletico

From basketball players in the NCAA tournament to middle age runners on the sidewalk, who is at risk and why? If you have lived an active lifestyle, participated in sports or even follow sports you’ve probably heard of or experienced ‘shin splints’ at some point. But what are shin splints?

In the physical therapy world, it is referred to as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS).


I Run. Why do I need to strengthen, especially the legs?

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

As runners, we need to do more than just run. Without strength training, injuries are more likely to occur even when using good running form. Statistics vary but state anywhere from 20-80% of runners are injured annually1. Many of these are overuse injuries and often occur because runners are not listening to their bodies and continually doing prehab.


The “Secrets” to Being Happy

Posted on by Athletico

Wouldn’t it be great to always be happy? Do you know people who always seem to be joyful? Do you want to be like that too? Is there a secret or magic formula to being happy? (more…)

Fitness Level and Injuries – Lower Back

Posted on by Athletico

With a new year comes a new you! Many people are working towards their fitness goals at this point in the year, whether it be training for their first 5k or just trying to have a better feeling of self. Unfortunately this is not only when the mind can become a little weak but so can the body. (more…)

How Swimming Can Help Improve Your Health

Posted on by Brian Whittington, PT, DPT, CMTPT

Swimming continues to grow in popularity as one of the aerobic exercises of choice. With as little as 2.5 hours of swimming a week you can significantly decrease your risk of chronic illnesses. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Locust

Posted on by Athletico

Week two of January is another beginner level therapeutic back bend called Locust. Locust helps to strengthen the hamstrings, glutes and lumbar musculature, building on last week’s Cobra stretch. As a warm up, you can do a few Cobra stretches prior to performing the Locust. If you missed last week’s stretch, you can find instructions here.


The Winter Blues

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

Many people talk about cross-training in the winter and even throughout the running season. Does this mean to include swimming and biking? Why is it important? How can you benefit from cross-training?

Cross training does include replacing running with lower impact activities, such as swimming and biking. However, it also is stretching and strengthening. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Easy Seated Partner Twist

Posted on by Athletico

It’s December! You what that means! Most likely you will be seeing more of your friends and family, so I thought it would be a perfect month to do some partner stretches. Get everyone involved! Show them you’ve been working on your flexibility and maybe even inspire someone close to you to make it a goal for the New Year to add some stretching to their life. 🙂  (more…)

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