Making the Most of Your Insurance Benefits: How PT Can Help You Reach Your Wellness Goals
As healthcare costs continue to rise, many individuals seek ways to maximize their insurance benefits. One area that often needs to be more utilized is physical therapy. If you’re wondering how PT can help you reach your wellness goals—especially if you’ve met your deductible—it’s essential to understand the value of this service in improving your function and quality of life.
A Daily Walk is Worth Your Time
How much time or distance would you need to achieve health benefits? Most research would suggest 30 minutes of walking can help you to achieve your health goals. Here are a few good reasons to schedule a daily walk.
3 Ways to Stay Motivated for a Healthy Lifestyle
Many of us set health and wellness goals that we end up falling short of achieving. After all, how many times have you said, “I’ll start my diet on Monday,” or “I’ll begin exercising next week.”