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Sleep…Beyond Counting Sheep

Posted on by Athletico

There’s nothing quite like a good night’s sleep…and awakening to the promise of a new day! But these days, getting a good night’s sleep seems to be more elusive than ever.

3 Ways Dogs Can Lead to a Healthier Lifestyle

Posted on by Athletico

There is no doubt that dogs have earned their label as man’s best friend.

In addition to being loyal and lovable companions, dogs have the ability to improve the health and overall well-being of their owners. From increasing activity levels to reducing stress, read below to discover how owning a dog can lead to a healthier lifestyle.


8 Small Tips for Living a Healthier Lifestyle

Posted on by Athletico

On January 1st, many of us resolve to live a healthier lifestyle in the upcoming year. Although there are good intentions behind this resolution, changing and maintaining daily habits can be overwhelming.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that living a healthier lifestyle doesn’t mean changing your entire routine in one fell swoop. By modifying small things in your daily life, you will be taking big steps toward fulfilling your New Year’s health goals.


Holiday Survival Guide: Health Tips for the Holiday Season

Posted on by Athletico

The holiday season is a joyful time of year when many of us look forward to spending some quality time with our friends and family.

Despite the fun that comes with the festivities, December can also be a very stressful time of year. Not only are many of us left scrambling to purchase last minute holiday gifts, but we are also trying to find time to wrap gifts, decorate the house, plan holiday get-togethers, bake holiday treats and cook major family meals. All of this can cause added stress which can make it easy to overlook some of the healthy habits that were built throughout the year.


Healthy Super Bowl Watching Experience

Posted on by Athletico

Here we are: the NFL Super Bowl is here. This usually means that my couch game is in full swing, with me parked on the couch watching other people being active. However, this year will be different. I’ve developed a five-pronged approach to a healthy Super Bowl watching experience, based on increased activity, healthier snacking options and better football watching mechanics (seriously). As always, consult with your physician before trying any new exercise or eating routine. (more…)

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