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Tag: hip exercises


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4 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Hip Surgery

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA

Hip pain and treatment recommendations continue to be a highly researched and studied topic. As we learn more, we learn hip surgery is very common. As noted in the research, there were more than 62,000 hip surgeries performed between 2008 and 2013. With the increasing prevalence, one would think surgery is the only answer, but can physical therapy help you to avoid having hip surgery altogether? The answer could be yes! The goal of physical therapy is to reduce pain, improve strength and improve function to be able to perform all prior activities of daily living. Physical therapy can provide relief in the hip to avoid surgery in some cases. Here are four areas that physical therapy can address to help avoid surgery.


3 Unexpected Reasons to Exercise Your Hips

Posted on by Meghan Musick, DPT, OCS, OMPT, PHC

Have you ever wondered about the connection between knee pain, back pain, and urinary leakage? The common denominator is your hips! The hip serves as a ball and socket joint, linking the pelvis with the femur’s head (thigh bone). Its primary role is to provide dynamic stability during weight-bearing activities like walking and jogging. Approximately twenty-five muscles attach to the hip. They can be divided up by their primary action: flexors, extensors, abductors, adductors, external rotators and internal rotators.


An All-Ages Hip Workout Anyone Can Do

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

It’s all in the hips! Have your hips been feeling weak lately? Or maybe someone has told you to strengthen your hips, but you’re not sure how? Look no further – here are five hip exercises anyone can do, regardless of age or activity level.


Common Hip Injuries in Dancers

Posted on by Emily Becker, PT, DPT

Hip injuries in dancers comprise about 17.2% of all muscular and bony injuries. These injuries are often hard to diagnose because many have overlapping signs and symptoms. Injuries can occur for a variety of reasons. Some injuries are traumatic from a fall, contact, or another impact like a fracture or an avulsion (where a muscle can yank on its bony attachment and pull some bone loose). Additional injuries can come from overuse and result in tendinitis (or other tendinopathies), bursitis, snapping hip, strain, or a labral tear. Some are bony, like Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI) or dysplasia. Whatever the cause, a hip injury can be frustrating for a dancer.


Tips for the Hips: 7 Flexibility & Strengthening Exercises

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

Your hips are some of the most unique structures within your body. Not only do 17 muscles cause movement of the hip, but also the joint itself is very diverse in its movement capabilities. Unique groups of muscles that control these movements at the hip are able to move in all three planes of motion. These planes include frontal plane (or side-to-side), sagittal plane (or forward/backward), and transverse plane (twisting or rotational movements). Because of the diverse nature of the joint, maintaining strong muscles and flexibility are key in optimizing hip health as we age. The following will be a set of exercises that are good starting points to target hip strengthening and flexibility.


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