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Injury Prevention

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Skier’s Thumb

Posted on by Athletico

Skier’s Thumb, Gamekeeper’s Thumb….. Baseball Player’s Thumb? Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Thumb:  An injury for all seasons. (more…)

Hot topics Regarding Overhead Throwing From This Year’s ASMI Conference

Posted on by Paul Kohler, MS, OTR/L, CHT

The American Sports Medicine Institute’s Annual Conference on sports injuries was held on January 29-31st of this year.  In its 34th year, this particular conference focused primarily on the health, safety and treatment of overhead throwing athletes, with emphasis on baseball pitchers.   (more…)

Take Care of Your Injury Sooner Rather Than Later

Posted on by Athletico

We’ve all been there at one point or another. Dealing with daily pain can be a constant ritual of our day just like eating breakfast or combing your hair. (more…)

Coaching Body Contact in Hockey: Defense & Working the Boards

Posted on by Steve Chmielewski, PT, DPT, Level 5 USA Hockey Coach

Hockey is a graceful game that requires players to participate in manner that requires body contact regardless of whether checking is permitted. Any avid hockey player can acknowledge the difference between a “body check” and “body contact” but occasionally the line can be blurred when a player’s skill level is questionable and when an official’s subjective interpretation is applied to the game. (more…)

The Winter Blues

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

Many people talk about cross-training in the winter and even throughout the running season. Does this mean to include swimming and biking? Why is it important? How can you benefit from cross-training?

Cross training does include replacing running with lower impact activities, such as swimming and biking. However, it also is stretching and strengthening. (more…)

AC Sprain and How to Recover

Posted on by Athletico

The shoulder is an important joint that is used throughout daily life. Once it becomes injured it can be very difficult to maintain a normal lifestyle. One joint effected by shoulder injury is the acromioclavicularjoint or more commonly referred to as the AC joint. (more…)

Debut Marathoner Series: 5 Tips for Recovering from Your First Marathon

Posted on by Athletico


Congratulations, you have completed your very first marathon! Now what? Use the following recovery tips to help you feel your best in the days and weeks ahead. (more…)

Exercises for an ACL Injury

Posted on by Athletico

Have you ever injured or torn your ACL ligament? We’ve got the exercises and stretches for you! Athletico’s Dave Heidloff ATC, NASM-PES, FMS, provides stretches for athletes or anyone suffering from an ACL injury. Stretches are provided for anyone dealing with an ACL injury, specifically for those preparing for surgery or returning from surgery. Watch Dave’s exercises for an ACL injury below: (more…)

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