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Tag: injury prevention


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Injury Prevention

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Beyond the Arm: 3 Ways to Maximize Performance in Overhead Athletes

Posted on by Athletico

As the weather warms up, many athletes are heading to the baseball and softball fields for a summer packed with nonstop practices, games and tournaments. Regardless of their experience, these athletes want to perform at their highest possible level while also staying healthy. Luckily, performance enhancement and injury prevention go hand-in-hand in the throwing athlete.


Should I Exercise with a Friend?

Posted on by Athletico

Many of us are aware of the benefits that come with getting 30 minutes of exercise daily, such as reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Research also shows that exercise can improve mood, sharpen our memory and increases our muscle and bone strength.2


The Emotional Impact of Injuries

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

As much as we would like to prevent injuries, they do occur. In an ideal world, an injury would not disrupt our regular activities or participation in sport. But many times injuries lead to shifts in our regular activities. For many athletes, this injury can trigger an emotional and mental response.


Knee Injury Prevention For Gymnasts

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Gymnastics is a fun and popular sport for young children and adolescents. As athletes progress in competition, the level and difficulty of skills increases as well as the risk for injury.


Back to Basics: 3 Injury Prevention Tips for Dancers

Posted on by Athletico

As summer starts winding down, dancers are getting ready to transition to the fall program season. Preparing for the season’s big shows means long hours spent at rehearsals on top of other responsibilities, such as academics, work and household duties.


Decreasing the Risk of Injuries for Weekend Warriors

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Who are the “Weekend Warriors?” Many people find themselves with little time during the week due to work, family, kids and the day-to-day grind. Therefore, workouts fall to the weekend days to cram in a full week of physical activity into two days.


Preventing Cycling Arm and Hand Injuries

Posted on by Janet Apgar OTR/L, CHT, CMTPT, AIB-VRC, ASTYM cert.

As spring brings warmer weather and adds daylight hours, biking fever spreads!


Tips for Preventing Common Skiing Injuries

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Skiing is a popular outdoor winter activity that we tend to hear a lot about during the Winter Olympic Games. With the Winter Olympics occurring in PyeongChang this year, it is expected that the skiing will be making headlines in the coming weeks – from discussing amazing performances to unpredictable injuries.


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