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Tag: leg stretches


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Are You Ready for the Bottle Cap Challenge?

Posted on by Leython Williams, PT, DPT, CMTPT

If you have been on social media over the last few weeks, chances are you have seen the bottle cap challenge. This internet challenge requires you to unscrew a bottle cap with your foot, typically with a roundhouse kick.


Stretch of the Week: Mini Down Dog Calf Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

Are you an avid walker, hiker or runner? If so, this month’s weekly stretches are for you! We are targeting muscle groups that are involved in moving the legs. This first week we will stretch the Achilles, calves, hamstrings and low back. We will call this stretch the Mini Down Dog Calf Stretch.


Stretch of the Week: Wide Legged Straddle

Posted on by Athletico

The Month of October is all about partner stretching! Stretching is more fun when done with someone, so grab a friend and get ready to do the Wide Legged Straddle.


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