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Injury Prevention

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How to Get the Most out of Your Workout

Posted on by J. Cory Silver, PT, DPT, VRT, CAFS, 3DMAPS

There are often multiple desires when it comes to exercising. We want to look better, get more toned, feel better physically or psychologically, or lose weight. It is possible to achieve many of these things simultaneously but having a goal and an exercise routine geared toward your wants and needs is the road map that can make you more successful. This blog will discuss strategies for goal setting and the SAID principle to help you choose activities to get the results you desire.


Injury Prevention Tips for Moving Day

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Moving day is finally here! Whether you are moving apartments, bought a new home, are moving cities or to a new state, moving is exciting and nerve-racking but it does not have to be injury inducing. Many injuries that occur during moving happen quickly without warning. Here are some tips to protect your body from injury while you are moving into a new home:


Lifting Tips for New Grandparents

Posted on by Athletico

As a new grandparent, you have patiently waited years for this opportunity. You’ve raised your own children and vividly remember all of the milestones. Now you finally have the chance to hold that precious new grandbaby.


Exercises for an ACL Injury

Posted on by Athletico

Have you ever injured or torn your ACL ligament? We’ve got the exercises and stretches for you! Athletico’s Dave Heidloff ATC, NASM-PES, FMS, provides stretches for athletes or anyone suffering from an ACL injury. Stretches are provided for anyone dealing with an ACL injury, specifically for those preparing for surgery or returning from surgery. Watch Dave’s exercises for an ACL injury below: (more…)

A Twist on Fall Fitness: Helpful Resources for Some Family Friendly Fun

Posted on by Lori Diamos

Fall is one of my favorite seasons as I love the vibrant colors and the more comfortable temperatures. It is also a great time to be active so below are some family friendly activities to consider taking part in this fall. If by chance we don’t mention one of your favorites be sure to take a second to share your fall activity idea below so we can all add it to our list of possibilities. (more…)

Summer Beach Body, Weightlifting, and Shoulder Pain

Posted on by Athletico

Spring is finally here and all you can think about is that long awaited warm summer sunshine and spending time by the beach with your loved ones or friends. However, before you hit up the beach, you head to the gym. You want the best beach body you can achieve. You bust out your favorite exercises: military press, wide grip bench, and use all of the deltoid machines. Your arms are looking great…but wait…now you have shoulder pain? It’s not fair! You are being healthy and going to the gym. Why do you have shoulder pain now?! (more…)

Outdoor Spring Project Safety

Posted on by Athletico

For the past month, I have been longingly looking out of my window and making a mental list of all the yard work that needs to be done this spring. This is a great time of year to get the family involved and have them help with the load of outdoor projects. There are some safety tips to keep in mind so that you can get your projects done safely without injuring yourself. (more…)

Tips for Shoveling Safely

Posted on by Athletico

Although falling snow is very pretty and makes for a festive feel, it leaves us the task of having to clear our driveways and walkways. Shoveling can be very taxing on the body, leading to injuries, sore muscles, and even catastrophic events. Below are some safety tips on how to avoid injury. (more…)

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