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Tips to Keep Gardeners Gardening

Posted on by Athletico

With warmer weather upon us, many of us are aching to replace our shovels and winter boots with gardening tools and watering cans. Very simple recreational activities such as gardening can lead to some muscle aches and joint pain if proper body mechanics and general safety are not followed. The following are some general guidelines to keep in mind while gardening to minimize the aches and pains. (more…)

Avoiding Aches and Pains during the Holidays

Posted on by Athletico

Happy and Healthy Holidays!It is that time of year again, the cold is creeping in and the holidays are upon us. The holidays are such a joyous time of year, but they can also be stressful and a time when people over-do themselves. With all the demands of shopping for food and gifts, hanging decorations around the house, making meals and hosting parties, many people find themselves with more aches and fatigue in their muscles. Here are some tips for minimizing the aches and pains that can occur during the holidays. (more…)

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