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Tag: low back pain


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What Is Upper Cross Syndrome/Lower Cross Syndrome?

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

Upper cross syndrome and lower cross syndrome are terms heard within the world of medicine that, on the surface, sound a little intimidating. However, each term simply refers to muscle weakness and tightness in certain areas of the body that may be contributing to pain and/or reduced functional level. Each “syndrome” entails two predominant areas of muscle tightness and two predominant areas of muscle weakness. Often times, these limitations occur as a result of impaired posture and can lead to pain. Once identified, both upper cross and lower cross syndromes can be effectively treated and managed with physical therapy care.


Treating Your Back Pain Forever

Posted on by Athletico

In our modern day world where we find ourselves increasingly commuting longer distances by car to spend days rooted to a desk or computer, followed by a return commute, afternoon driving kids to practices and attending meetings, and an evening on the couch in the company of televisions, tablets, and smartphones, it is not a mystery why our backs may feel tight. And, more importantly, why the best treatment may not be stretching.


Sleep Positions for Less Low Back Pain

Posted on by Athletico

As a physical therapist, one of the biggest complaints I receive about low back pain (LBP) is about how it can impact one’s ability to sleep through the night. According to research, low back pain is the second most common cause of disability in adults in the U.S., and the most common reason for lost work days.1


My Back Hurts, What Should I Do?

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Back pain is the most common pain seen in outpatient physical therapy clinics across the country, with data showing that low back pain accounts for 50 percent of all patients seeking outpatient physical therapy care.1 What’s more, one quarter of adults in the U.S. have reported back pain at least one day in the past three months.1


Team Work: Programmed to Provide Better Outcomes

Posted on by Anne Marie Bierman, PT, DPT, SCS, CMTPT, Astym-cert

Through specialized practice, Athletico is able to better serve our industrial customers and patients. This is because Athletico offers a variety of clinical programs to support therapists and athletic trainers who have profound interest and passion in niche specialty practice. Within each program are clinical pathways for professional development that include and are not limited to mentoring opportunities, internal/external coursework for skill development, relationship building via physician observation, community outreach events and marketing support in order to develop a skillset from entry-level to master clinician. (more…)

You Can’t Actually “Slip” a Disc

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

We’ve all heard it, someone we know has “slipped a disc” in their back. However, slipping a disc is actually not possible. The vertebral discs between each vertebrae cannot slip out. So what is actually happening when someone “slips” a disc?


3 Ways to Combat Low Back Pain in Runners

Posted on by Athletico

Low back pain is the largest cause of disability, affecting nearly 80 percent of people in the United States at some point in their lifetime.1

Physical Therapy for Low Back Pain: Effective Treatment and Lower Costs

Posted on by Athletico

Have you ever had low back pain?  Chances are you have had an experience in the past or are having one as you read this. Low back pain is experienced by approximately 70 percent of individuals in their lifetime.1 In fact, 1 in every 17 visits to a primary care physician is related to reports of low back pain.2 Combined, direct and indirect costs for low back pain are reported to be between 85 and 238 billion dollars, with costs continuing to rise.3


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