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Tag: lower extremity injuries


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Understanding Lower Extremity Injuries in Cheerleaders and Gymnasts

Posted on by Ashley R. Kelley, PT, Cert DN, AIB-VRC

Cheerleading and gymnastics are incredibly demanding sports requiring strength, flexibility, and precision. Yet, they also carry a significant risk of injury, particularly in the lower extremities.

The prevalence of lower extremity injuries in cheerleading and gymnastics worldwide has increased significantly over the last decade as both sports have evolved1,2. One study, including 6-to-17-year-old gymnasts, found that the lower extremity was the most affected site of injury (60.5%), with the ankle/foot and knee joints accounting for 49% and 27% of injuries, respectively. This study also found that 10-to-12-year-olds and 13-to-17-year-olds were at greater risk for lower extremity injury due to increased growth rates compared to 6-to-9-year-olds2.


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