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Stretch of the Week: Hamstring Stretch and Massage

Posted on by Athletico

For the final week of November we will learn a hamstring stretch and massage with the foam roller. You may also feel a stretch through the chest muscles.


Stretch of the Week: Self-Massage Technique

Posted on by Athletico

Five Weeks in March Means a Bonus Self-Massage Technique

For this self-massage technique we will focus on releasing the tight fascia and muscles of the low back.

You will need a tennis ball for this technique. As with beginning any exercise program, it is recommended to contact your physician, physical or occupational therapist to find out what is best for you.


Stretch of the Week: Self Massage for the Lats

Posted on by Athletico

Happy Fall and welcome to the final week of September! This week I am providing a self massage technique for the lats.

You will need a foam roller for this stretch. You can purchase one for relatively cheap on Amazon! You have to be able to lay on the floor for this one as well, so the only contraindication would be if you are unable to get down and up from the floor. You could always try to use a wall instead.


Stretch of the Week: Self Massage Technique for the Forearm

Posted on by Athletico

Summer is coming to an end as we approach the last week of August. I’m a fall person myself but I will miss these hot days where my body is warm, making stretching a little more enjoyable! Did you know warming up the body makes you a little more flexible? I always do my stretching after some kind of exercise, even if it’s just taking a walk around the block! I highly recommend it, so this week I will be giving you a self massage technique that will help warm up those forearm muscles before you stretch:)


Deep Tissue Massage: What is it and do I need it?

Posted on by Athletico

It seems like people who call to get a massage fall into 2 camps: those who want a deep tissue massage, and those that are afraid of it. I have heard a lot of interesting stories of people getting a massage on vacation and barely being able to move the next day. Or people who think they should be sore for a week after a massage “if it’s a good one”. Well I think it is time we went over what Deep Tissue Massage (DTM) is, and when it is indicated. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Self Massage for the Neck

Posted on by Athletico

Week 3 of June brings us to a traction technique and self massage for the neck. Please use caution as always. If you have severe neck problems I would not recommend you do this one.  (more…)

Physical Therapy and Scar Tissue

Posted on by Athletico

A former patient recently approached me with questions about whether Athletico could help him overcome a challenge that had recently developed for him. We talked through some of the options and, with his permission, I wanted to share his story here in hopes it helps others. Physical therapy can help in more ways than just bumps and scrapes. (more…)

19 Ways to Relieve Muscular and Joint Pain on a 19-Hour Flight

Posted on by Athletico

I just got back from an amazing trip to the Philippines!  The country, the culture, the people who live there were all fantastic!  The airplane ride, however, was not so fantastic. I painfully scrunched myself in economy class, where my knees were especially angry with me on the way there.  However, on the way back, I implemented these 19 ways to relieve pain on a 19-hour flight, and my body was very thankful! (more…)

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