Prone to Migraine Attacks? Here’s How You Can Find Relief
Are you someone who has dealt with the effects of migraines in the past? Migraines are more common than you may think. Approximately 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men will experience a migraine at some point in their lives. These studies also show that 1 in 11 children will experience a migraine. Migraine symptoms can be debilitating. This blog will explore ways you can find relief from your migraine symptoms.
Why Physical Therapy Can Be A Great Choice For Migraine Relief
If you’re someone who experiences the occasional migraine or experiences symptoms regularly, you know how it can put your plans on hold. Small tasks become difficult, and you may even avoid certain activities altogether for fear of a migraine attack. Studies show that migraines affect more than 10% of the population globally, most often impacting individuals between the ages of 20 and 50 years old. With this many people affected by migraine symptoms, your next question might be, “Can physical therapy help me with my migraine symptoms?” The answer would be YES!
How PT Can Help You Put Migraines in the Past
Imagine a scene that may be familiar to you: You are moving through your day when suddenly, a migraine hits. You may have to call into school or work. You may become nauseous or dizzy. You feel pain in your head and neck. You may even only be able to feel better if you lay down in a dark, soundless room alone and wait for the migraine to pass or your medication to begin working. Migraines are a debilitating condition with over 3 million US cases each year and become very common from age 6 to above 60. But did you know there are more options for you than just medications and lifestyle changes? Physical Therapy is a worthy option to assist in the treatment and may even help you get better faster.
Types of Headaches: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
We have all experienced a headache. Some headaches may be a mild annoyance, and others are brutally painful. Headaches can be defined as pain in any region of the head, but the intensity, duration, cause, and location can vary drastically per person and type of headache. Some studies suggest 1 in 20 adults experiences a headache every or nearly every day. In this blog, we’ll discuss the various types of headaches and how physical therapy can help.
How Can Physical Therapy Help Your Headache?
Physical therapists are special health practitioners, but did you know they can treat people from head to toe? That certainly includes treating those dreaded headaches. Read on to learn more about headaches and the power physical therapy has in treating them.
Alleviating Headaches with Physical Therapy
Treating a patient who reports frequent headaches is one of my favorite diagnoses to treat. Why do I love treating headaches so much? I love treating headaches because physical therapy can be so effective in providing the patient with relief quickly, and relief from a headache problem is a big deal for someone who suffers from them. (more…)
Massage Therapy to Relieve Headache Pain
I recently returned back to work after maternity leave. At the end of my second day back, I was sitting at my desk, and I started getting a headache. I would probably classify it as a tension headache, but regardless of what you call it–it hurt. I instantly started to massage my neck to try to relax the muscles and give myself some relief. The first thing I thought was that I was lucky I knew what was causing the pain and how to give myself relief. At that point I thought, “This should be your next blog post! So many people suffer from headaches and don’t know what to do about it.”