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4 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Hip Surgery

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA

Hip pain and treatment recommendations continue to be a highly researched and studied topic. As we learn more, we learn hip surgery is very common. As noted in the research, there were more than 62,000 hip surgeries performed between 2008 and 2013. With the increasing prevalence, one would think surgery is the only answer, but can physical therapy help you to avoid having hip surgery altogether? The answer could be yes! The goal of physical therapy is to reduce pain, improve strength and improve function to be able to perform all prior activities of daily living. Physical therapy can provide relief in the hip to avoid surgery in some cases. Here are four areas that physical therapy can address to help avoid surgery.


Best Ways to Stay Pain-Free On The Playground

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L

Daily physical activity for children provides a number of advantages and health benefits for development. According to Dr. Edward Laskowski of Mayo Clinic, children should do vigorous activities at least three days a week. Adults who care for children can encourage them to participate in active play that includes many common school-age activities-such as playing on playground equipment. Despite all the musculoskeletal benefits of running, climbing, and jumping, there are always considerations to best ensure safety and pain-free play.


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