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Tag: muscle strains


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Injury Prevention

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Preventing Sprain, Strains, OSHA Recordables, and Medical Spend with Rural, Remote, and Distributed Workforces

Posted on by Geoff Wolfe, CEAS III, CFSC

If you’re involved in safety, work in a physically demanding industry, have a rural, remote, or geographically distributed workforce, and routinely sigh at how local providers manage minor injuries – this one is for you.

You know the same things we do – sprains and strains make up about 40% of injuries and lead to a litany of unnecessary healthcare, administrative, and operational costs, not to mention OSHA Recordables, lost time, etc. Our goal is to help employers change their destiny by shifting their approach to the prevention and management of ever-present minor aches and pains, such as low back pain and sore shoulders and necks. We use many of the same tools; we just use them in a way that most don’t (or won’t).


Full Disc-losure: What You Need To Know About Back Pain

Posted on by Steve Middleton PT, DPT, MTC, ATC

Low back pain affects roughly 30% of the American population annually. Back pain is typically separated into discogenic pain (damage to the disc) and non-discogenic pain. However, many causes and other structures can be involved in low back pain. Identifying the root cause of discomfort can be a major step toward decreasing pain and improving function. Low back pain can have many causes:


The Basics: Sprains, Strains, and Fractures…What’s The Difference?

Posted on by Owen Campbell, PT, DPT, OCS

“I sprained my hamstring!” “I didn’t break it. I fractured it.” “He had a bad ankle strain.” Physical therapists, occupational therapists, and most medical professionals cringe when we hear this at parties, in the media, or our clinic. The tactful among us do their best to resist the urge to correct, but let’s face it, we are only human.


Common Injuries in the Aging Athlete

Posted on by Athletico

More and more health care providers are seeing an increase in “Boomeritis,” a term coined by Nicholas DiNubile in 1999, referring to the musculoskeletal injuries that the aging athlete in the baby boomer generation, 1946-1964, are experiencing. This group of athletes is the first generation to grow up exercising and continue exercising well into their 70s. The musculoskeletal injuries in Boomeritis include tendon, muscle, and ligament tears and stress fractures. While these injuries can happen at any age, physiologic changes with age make this generation more susceptible to developing these problems.


7 Common Youth Basketball Injuries

Posted on by Athletico

Basketball is a popular sport amongst youth athletes, but the duration of the season in combination with the athleticism required by players can lead to injury.


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