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Tag: National Athletic Training Month


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5 Hygiene Tips for Athletes

Posted on by Kayla Hutton, MSA, ATC/L

Sports provide an amazing opportunity for kids of all ages to spend time with their friends, learn from people they look up to, and begin understanding teamwork and the qualities that come with being a team player – including sharing! Sharing is a phenomenal trait for people to possess, until it includes germs and sickness. As sports slowly come back into the picture amid the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to ensure that athletes are taking the proper precautions to stay safe and healthy to avoid contracting or spreading the virus. So, as parents (or individuals), how can we protect our kids or ourselves from getting sick or sharing illness with others? The biggest factor in prevention is personal hygiene and there are tons of ways to incorporate this into our daily lives. Below are a few of the most important, and easiest, ones to consider:


Skin Diseases 101: An Athletic Trainer’s Approach to Recognition, Treatment and Prevention

Posted on by Athletico

By Josh Lawrence, MS, L/ATC and Jerod Torrey ATC, PES

It is five minutes past the last bell of the high school day. The athletic trainer is hustling around a packed athletic training room and athletes are rushing in to transition from school to practice, and then it happens; an athlete asks the athletic trainer the dreaded question:

“Do you know what this is?”


An AT’s Role in Treating Athletes with Type 1 Diabetes

Posted on by Athletico

Part of an athletic trainer’s (ATs) job is to be prepared for any possible situation. This not only means being prepared for emergencies, but also for treating athletes with unique medical conditions.


Live with Athletico: NATM Twitter Chat Roundup

Posted on by Athletico

Athletico’s recent Twitter Chat, “Live with Athletico: NATM” tapped the insights of a variety of athletic training thought leaders to discuss the current and future landscape of the athletic training profession.


RICE- For Eating or For Injury? Why not both!?!

Posted on by Kele Cioflec

It’s my favorite time of year – spring sports are starting, the weather is getting warmer AND it’s March… National Athletic Training Month!


Athletic Trainers: Keeping Calm in the Face of Injury

Posted on by Athletico

It’s 6:33pm on a Friday night and I get a phone call from a coach:

“Sarah, we need you up in the gym. Now.”  

The phone clicks off. I know that when a phone call from a coach lasts less than a minute, it tends to be something that can’t be solved with a bandage or an ice pack.


7 Things New Athletic Trainers Should Know Entering the Field

Posted on by Athletico

Making the transition from student to certified athletic trainer (AT) is an exciting time, as you finally get to begin the journey of a new career. However, just like any other industry, it can be overwhelming to taking in all the details that come with the start of a new position.


Q&A: National Athletic Training Month 2017

Posted on by Athletico

Every March Athletico celebrates with the National Athletic Trainers Association National Athletic Training Month to recognize the important work of athletic trainers throughout our communities.


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