Are Fitness Resolutions Worth The Buzz?
As each New Year rolls around, gyms become crowded, social media feeds fill up with workout selfies, and fitness resolutions are all the rage. But are these fitness resolutions truly worth the buzz? This blog will dive into fitness resolutions, exploring their benefits and drawbacks. Whether you’re a resolution enthusiast or a skeptic, by the end of this article, you’ll better understand whether setting fitness goals for the New Year is a worthwhile endeavor.
Tips from a PT: Returning to Exercise in the New Year
The cookies have been eaten, the shopping is complete, and the gym membership just hit your credit card. Whether for personal growth, maintaining health, or slimming up for summer, millions of Americans will be hitting the gym in January. Unfortunately, many people will also end up quitting or in my office because of nagging pain or new injury. Pain is a sure-fire way to discourage and derail even the best-laid workout plans. This blog will give you tips to keep your workouts consistent and pain-free in the New Year.
Resolve to Take Care of Yourself
Have you made resolutions to start the New Year? Maybe you plan to save some money, lose some weight, or even start a new hobby. How about a resolution to simply take care of yourself? We often get caught up in taking care of everyone else and put ourselves last. It’s time to make a change and make yourself a priority in 2015! (more…)