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Tag: occupational hand therapy


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Joint Protection Strategies

Posted on by Shelia M. Tenny, OTR/L, CHT

Since April is Occupational Therapy Month, our OT’s have put together a list of modifications that can help to decrease forces on hands and other joints. This chart has modifications that many people encounter daily. These adaptations will allow you to use less force which will avoid pain, prevent arthritic changes, and help to prevent deforming forces and injury.


What You Should Know about De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

Posted on by Shelia M. Tenny, OTR/L, CHT

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis (Pronounced Deh-KWUHR-vanes ten-oh-sin-oh-VITE-us) is the formal name for a condition that has many other more common names such as “mother’s thumb,” “mommy wrist,” “washer woman’s syndrome,” and “gamer’s thumb.” This condition is often associated with repetitive hand, thumb, and wrist use. Fritz de Quervain named this condition in the early 1900s. He was a Swiss-born surgeon, who was also responsible for introducing iodized table salt to help prevent thyroid disease, called a goiter.


Athletico’s New Certified Hand Therapists

Posted on by Athletico

Athletico congratulates six staff hand therapists who recently passed the Certified Hand Therapist examination.  All have now earned the distinguished mark of the CHT.

The credentials “CHT” distinguish an occupational or physical therapist as someone who has had:

  •  At least 5 years of clinical experience in their respective field
  •  4000 hours or more of direct practice experience in hand therapy
  •  Successfully completed a comprehensive test of advanced skills and theory in upper extremity rehabilitation.

Athletico’s Certified Hand Therapists have earned the highest professional credential in this specialty area.  Successful outcomes depend on the highest level of competency and advanced knowledge and skills.  Athletico is pleased to offer the highest quality and most advanced hand therapy to patients.

Athletico offers hand therapy at over 100 locations.

Congratulations to these newly credentialed Certified Hand Therapists!
Read more about them below.


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