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Tag: osteoporosis


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Full Disc-losure: What You Need To Know About Back Pain

Posted on by Steve Middleton PT, DPT, MTC, ATC

Low back pain affects roughly 30% of the American population annually. Back pain is typically separated into discogenic pain (damage to the disc) and non-discogenic pain. However, many causes and other structures can be involved in low back pain. Identifying the root cause of discomfort can be a major step toward decreasing pain and improving function. Low back pain can have many causes:


A Daily Walk is Worth Your Time

Posted on by Dawn Klos, ASTYM cert

How much time or distance would you need to achieve health benefits? Most research would suggest 30 minutes of walking can help you to achieve your health goals. Here are a few good reasons to schedule a daily walk.


Osteoporosis: Diagnosis, Prevention, & Management

Posted on by Athletico

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that is defined by low bone density and loss of bone tissue, which puts one at an increased risk of fracture particularly of the spine, hips, and wrists. This can occur when not enough new bone is formed or when old bone is reabsorbed too quickly. In either case an imbalance between bone formation and bone resorption occurs. (more…)

Understanding the Female Athlete Triad

Posted on by Athletico

As women’s involvement in athletic activity has increased dramatically in the last few decades, so has the incidence of female athlete triad. The incidence of female athlete triad is not well documented but studies have reported that anywhere from 15%-62% of female college athletes are affected. Female athlete triad is a syndrome comprised of disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis or decreased bone mineral density. (more…)

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