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Stop, Drop And Roll: Should You Be Using A Foam Roller?

Posted on by Zachary Vandenberg, DPT

Foam rollers have become a staple in many physical therapy clinics and gyms. If you have never seen one before, it is a 3 ft x 6-inch foam cylinder that can be used for stretching and massaging muscles during the recovery process as well as pre and post-workout. While it is a simple looking tool, there are many ways to use it. Many people swear by the benefits of foam rolling stating that it helps them feel more limber and reduce pain. These claims certainly sound good, but what does rolling out your muscles actually do and could it be a beneficial tool for you?


Is Dry Needling a Fad?

Posted on by Brian Whittington, PT, DPT, CMTPT

Dry needling is a treatment technique that uses a thin needle to treat underlying muscular trigger points and/or areas of tissue tenderness. This technique can be used to treat patients with musculoskeletal issues, including neck pain, low back pain, sciatica, muscle strains, IT band syndrome, plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, and many more.


5 Celebrities You May Not Know Used Physical Therapy

Posted on by Clinton Boone, PT, DPT, CMTPT/DN

Physical therapy is something that we all can benefit from. From major accidents to minor injuries, a stint in physical therapy may do wonders in relieving that nagging pain and resuming normal function. But physical therapy isn’t just for athletes. Some actors and entertainers will utilize physical therapy to perform at their best. Some celebrities will even keep a physical therapist on staff. Here are just some examples:


3 Reasons to Start Physical Therapy Sooner Rather Than Later

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

Life gets busy. Long days at work, plans with friends on the weekends, taking the kids to their activities. It can be easy to put care for oneself on the back burner and not take time for you. One thing you should never put off, however, is physical care for yourself. Whether you have nagging lower back pain or a shoulder ache you thought would resolve on its own, or maybe a stiff neck that appeared one morning when you woke up, it’s important to address the pain or injury.  Fortunately, physical therapy can help manage all of these ailments and more. It’s time to make time for you, be proactive about your health, and seek physical therapy care sooner rather than later.


5 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help You Get Back to Work

Posted on by Brianna Brackin, PT, DPT

People who work in labor intensive jobs are often thought of as “industrial athletes” due to the heavy physical demands of their jobs. In such settings, on-the-job injuries tend to be more common and it can be challenging to get back to work, especially when working requires lifting heavy loads, pushing, pulling, walking long distances, etc. In these situations, not only does the injured worker have to heal from their injury, but they also have to restore strength and endurance in order to return to work safely. Physical therapy after a work injury can decrease disability and impairment, so long as you are compliant with the program. Here are five ways your physical therapist can help you prepare to return to work after an injury or illness.


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