How To Avoid Injury In Competitive Swimming
A common misconception about swimming is it is not considered an overhead athlete sport due to the total body nature and cardiovascular changes it can create in athletes. Yes, while swimming involves your total body, a large portion of the swimming force is derived from the shoulders and arm, all while under the water’s constant resistance. Something else to consider is the year-round nature of competitive swimming, as it can be performed outside during the summer and inside during the winter. If you are a competitive swimmer or aspire to be an elite swimmer, here are some things you can do to minimize risk of injury and improve your longevity in the sport of swimming.
How Shoulders Can Affect the Low Back in Cheerleaders
Cheerleading is a popular sport in high schools and universities, and a competitive all-star sport. All-star teams are comprised of a variety of ages; they can be co-ed and practice multiple days per week for competitions. Cheerleading athletes are more susceptible to certain injuries, including a high incidence of low back pain.