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Tag: physical rehabilitation


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3 Reasons to Start Physical Therapy Sooner Rather Than Later

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

Life gets busy. Long days at work, plans with friends on the weekends, taking the kids to their activities. It can be easy to put care for oneself on the back burner and not take time for you. One thing you should never put off, however, is physical care for yourself. Whether you have nagging lower back pain or a shoulder ache you thought would resolve on its own, or maybe a stiff neck that appeared one morning when you woke up, it’s important to address the pain or injury.  Fortunately, physical therapy can help manage all of these ailments and more. It’s time to make time for you, be proactive about your health, and seek physical therapy care sooner rather than later.


The Healing Process of an Ankle Fracture

Posted on by Athletico

As all NBA fans know, the first major injury of the 2017-2018 season occurred to star guard of the Boston Celtics, Gordon Hayward. Gordon suffered an ankle fracture 5 minutes and 15 seconds into the start of the season.


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