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Tag: pillow positioning


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5 Tips For Better Sleeping Throughout Pregnancy

Posted on by Chelsea Silva, PT, DPT

Being well-rested and getting enough sleep are vital in a healthy pregnancy. Your body is building a baby, which takes a lot of energy! Although sleeping is important during this time, there are many obstacles to getting good sleep when pregnant. With pregnancy comes body aches and pains, leg cramps, the extra weight that can lead to shortness of breath, and insomnia due to changing hormones. Here are 5 tips for prioritizing sleep, despite these hurdles.


A Variety of Ways to Position Your Pillows to Reduce Pain

Posted on by Athletico

Patients often report difficulty sleeping as a result of having pain when they lay down in bed. In response, therapists will commonly ask the patient what position they sleep in, how they position their pillow(s), and how many pillows they like to use.  Pillow positioning is a strategy that can be different for each individual.  Below are a few of the many examples of ways to position your pillows to reduce and prevent pain and improve your body alignment for a better night’s sleep!


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