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Tag: resistance band training


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How To Do Your First Pull-Up

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

My first experience with pull-ups was back in elementary school for the presidential fitness testing that we all had to go through. I remember seeing my classmates being able to perform numerous repetitions, and I remember how I felt when I couldn’t do any. When testing came around during my 6th-grade year, I could finally perform one pull-up! I felt on top of the world that day. Looking back at that testing, it seems like a simple task but intimidating at the same time. There’s a bar hanging off the wall, and all you have to do is pull yourself up high enough that your chin passes the bar; it all sounds so easy. But, for some, it’s just as big of a challenge as I went through. I want to help you be able to do your first pull-up, and for those of you who already can, I want to help you increase your proficiency with them. Once you can do them, the world can become your gym as you’ve added a new exercise to do regularly. Are you playing with the kids at a park? You can use the monkey bars to get a back workout in.


Move Your Workouts Indoors with Resistance Bands

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

In this current environment of the pandemic, some of us are still wary of going to a gym to continue with our fitness routine. Home workouts can grow stale fairly quickly, and we can be unsure of how to proceed. After all, there are only so many ways we can use our bodyweight and products at home to come up with exercises. Several blog posts have been created to get you started with at-home fitness, and this blog will look to expand upon those entries.


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