What are the Benefits of Video Gait Analysis?
Have you ever considered participating in a video running analysis? They can be beneficial to runners for several reasons. With improved form, your running economy improves, leading to less wasted energy and potentially, a quicker pace! Your risk for injury can also be reduced, allowing you to continue running and to reach all of your goals in the future. Whether you are a seasoned runner looking to reach new goals, a runner who has recently taken time off due to an injury, or someone who is completely new to running, a Video Gait Analysis (VGA) can help!
Expert Running Tips: Exercises from Athletico’s Endurance Team
Whether you are training for a 5k or a marathon, it is common for runners to experience soreness and/or tightness during training. To help with this, we reached out to our endurance team to ask about their top exercises for runners. Read below to see their recommendations:
3 Tips for Hill Running
Does the thought of running up hills deter you from signing up for a race or running a specific route? Hills can be intimidating to novice runners and expert runners alike, however, training on hills has been shown to increase cardiovascular fitness, power and strength.1 It also enhances variability on training surfaces, which can reduce the risk of overuse injuries.
7 Tips to Transition Back to Outdoor Running
As the weather starts to warm up, you might be itching to get back outdoors for a run. Outdoor workouts offer both physical and psychological benefits such as helping with depression, anxiety and fatigue.1 Running outdoors is different than running indoors on a treadmill. As such, there are considerations to remember that can ease this transition.
6 Ways to Improve Your Running Technique
During the course of a year, it’s estimated that nearly 80 percent of recreational runners will sustain a running-related injury2.
In fact, it’s not uncommon to see some participants at local races and marathons walking around with braces, compression sleeves, tape or special shoes. This is because running is a complex functional human movement that few people are taught to perform correctly.