Avoid Pain from a Too-Heavy Bag
If you have happened to pick up a celebrity gossip magazine in the past year, you may have noticed a new fashion trend. I am not talking about skinny jeans or platform shoes. I am talking about a bag big enough to fit your living room couch in. In recent years, women have gone from carrying these cute miniature bags to now carrying extremely large purses and handbags. While these over-sized bags can be very fashionable, they can be a killer for our necks, shoulders, and backs and may even lead to headaches and arthritis. (more…)
Massage Therapy for Shoulder Pain
Before working as a clinical massage therapist in the physical therapy field, I had no idea how many people were walking around with shoulder pain and decreased range of motion in their shoulders. Now I find myself working on just as many shoulders as I do backs and necks. This blog post will give you the basics on shoulder pain/dysfunction and how massage therapy can help. (more…)
5 Common Mistakes Made by Overhead Athletes
It’s baseball and softball season and that means three things to me as an athletic trainer: hot dogs, bleachers and shoulder pain. While all three of those cause discomfort in their own way, I find shoulder pain to be the most pertinent to be addressed by my skill set. I’ve found that a majority of shoulder pain stems from a few of the following avoidable mistakes made by overhead athletes. (more…)