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Tag: sleeping positions


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Sleep Positions for Less Low Back Pain

Posted on by Athletico

As a physical therapist, one of the biggest complaints I receive about low back pain (LBP) is about how it can impact one’s ability to sleep through the night. According to research, low back pain is the second most common cause of disability in adults in the U.S., and the most common reason for lost work days.1


Sleep Positioning and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Posted on by Mark Torres, MS, OTR/L, CHT

Sleep plays an important role in our daily function. It helps to rejuvenate and restore our bodies from the wear and tear our daily activities put on integral structures. It specifically plays an intricate part in helping us repair and grow tissue, like nerve, muscle and bone. For all of these reasons, sleep can be the most important part of your day.


Sleeping positions: The good, the bad and the ugly

Posted on by Athletico

Do you sleep in different positions on a nightly basis? Chances are the answer is yes—and that’s common. There isn’t any one sleeping position that works for everyone. Some people prefer to sleep on their side, others on their back. Your usual sleep position — along with other factors, including your weight— can strain your back and contribute to development of back pain. Sleeping positions also affect existing back pain, either by letting you sleep comfortably or by making you wake up sore and achy. Similarly, back pain is more likely to keep you awake when your sleeping position provides no relief.


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