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Tag: slip and fall tips


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How To Weather The Wintertime To Prevent Slips And Falls

Posted on by Kathleen Habschmidt PT, DPT

As we navigate this time of year, we face the inevitable challenges of cold, snowy, and icy weather. While these elements bring the joy of winter sports and the warmth of cozy evenings by the fire, they also increase the risk of slips and falls. In this blog, we’ll cover helpful tips on how to stay safe and prevent these accidents during the winter months.


5 Ways to Prevent Slips & Falls This Winter

Posted on by Malvika Sampath, PT, DPT

With all of the ice and snow that come with wintertime, slippery conditions can greatly increase the risk of falls that could potentially result in serious injury. According to the CDC, one out of every five falls causes an injury and for the 65+ population, falling is the leading cause of injury and death within this age group. Given these stats, it is important to take some precautions to keep you safe outside.


Winter is Coming: How to Avoid Slips & Spills

Posted on by Brianna Brackin, PT, DPT

It’s that time of year yet again, where fall turns the outdoors into a blustery obstacle course for many of us living in the Midwest. Despite popular belief, it is not only the elderly who are at increased risk for falls in the winter. One study shows that the working-age population was the leading group with emergency department visits for fall-related injuries in the winter months of 2006-2011. We all need to be mindful of the weather and increased risks for falls that come with snow, ice and windy weather. According to the CDC, approximately 1 million Americans are injured annually as the result of falling on ice and snow, with 17,000 of these injuries resulting in fatality. The best way to avoid becoming a statistic is to reduce risky behavior and be proactive. To do just that, here are some Physical Therapist-approved tips for preventing falls this winter.


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