4 Strategies To Help You Protect Your Joints This Winter
While a winter wonderland can be beautiful, it can also pose challenges for those with joint issues. Cold weather can often exacerbate joint pain and stiffness, making it essential to take proactive steps to protect your joints during this time. In this blog, we’ll discuss four strategies to help you safeguard your joints and stay comfortable throughout the winter months.
Tips from a PT: Restoring Your Body with Sleep & Nutrition
Sleep and proper nutrition are two of the largest day-to-day contributions to overall health and wellness. Physical activity and stress levels also make an impactful contribution to our overall health. This blog will discuss utilizing sleep and proper nutrition to help aid in performance recovery, pain reduction, mental recovery, and tissue healing.
Back to School Safety Guide
After enjoying months of summer fun, heading back to school can be a difficult transition for kids, whether it’s through an e-learning format or back to the classroom.