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Summer Beach Body, Weightlifting, and Shoulder Pain

Posted on by Athletico

Spring is finally here and all you can think about is that long awaited warm summer sunshine and spending time by the beach with your loved ones or friends. However, before you hit up the beach, you head to the gym. You want the best beach body you can achieve. You bust out your favorite exercises: military press, wide grip bench, and use all of the deltoid machines. Your arms are looking great…but wait…now you have shoulder pain? It’s not fair! You are being healthy and going to the gym. Why do you have shoulder pain now?! (more…)

Hydrating for Performance and Health

Posted on by Athletico

At first, hydration might seem like a dry topic, but there is more to it than just drinking water. Many people may not realize that hydration levels can affect everything from essential bodily functions to your mental and physical performance levels, making it an ideal topic to cover with hordes of athletes returning to their sports this week. (more…)

CrossFit: What is it and is it for me?

Posted on by Athletico

Editor’s Note: Today’s post is written by Athletico’s Rachel Kowalczyk, PT, DPT.

Many of you have probably heard of CrossFit, and you may be wondering exactly what it is, if it’s safe, and more importantly, if it’s for you. As a physical therapist as well as someone who trains with CrossFit, I’d thought I’d share my experience with this training program to help you decide if CrossFit is the workout program for your health and fitness needs. (more…)

5 Reasons to Improve Your Balance

Posted on by Athletico

Working on your balance probably isn’t an integral part of your everyday life, but I’m prepared to make the case that it should be. The benefits for improved balance range from a reduced risk of injury to improving intelligence and even potentially increasing one’s life span. With that in mind, here are my five reasons to work on improving your balance, as well as some ideas on how to get started. (more…)

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