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Feeling Overwhelmed? Here Are 4 Things You Can Do To Turn Your Day Around

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA

Stress can be defined as, “a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation,” which is something that naturally occurs in life. Stress can be helpful for growth, but like anything else, needs to be managed in a controlled manner. Understanding when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed and being aware of this is the first step to managing these stressful times. Below are a few tips to try when you need a little boost to turn your day around.


Are You Feeling Stressed? Exercise Can Help!

Posted on by Jaclyn Cecere PT, DPT, OCS

With seven out of ten adults in the United States reporting stress or anxiety daily, stress is a common occurrence in people’s lives. Although stress is impossible to avoid altogether, there are ways to help manage it, one being exercise.


Ways Stress Can Affect Your Health

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

We all deal with stress from time to time, with some periods of our lives being more stressful than others. Everyone handles stress differently; some can cope with stress better than others, and some give in to the slightest bit of stress. Some use positive coping mechanisms like exercise and meditation, while others use negative coping mechanisms like substance use or other destructive behaviors. With all this increase in stress over recent years and decades, modern medicine has demonstrated within the past few years the effects stress can have on our physical and mental health, both long-term and short-term.


Deep Tissue Massage: What is it and do I need it?

Posted on by Athletico

It seems like people who call to get a massage fall into 2 camps: those who want a deep tissue massage, and those that are afraid of it. I have heard a lot of interesting stories of people getting a massage on vacation and barely being able to move the next day. Or people who think they should be sore for a week after a massage “if it’s a good one”. Well I think it is time we went over what Deep Tissue Massage (DTM) is, and when it is indicated. (more…)

7 Signs You May Need a Massage

Posted on by Athletico

We all know that massage therapy feels good and is a healthy reward for our overworked bodies. But, how do you know when you need a massage? I have provided a little cheat sheet for you below. (more…)

3 Ways to Roll Away Muscle Tension

Posted on by Athletico

Sedentary jobs, decreased activity levels, and increased stress have made us a less mobile population. Our muscles are overactive and tight, creating imbalances in our bodies, which can lead to poor posture, joint pain, and a host of avoidable injuries. Most of us can’t afford a live-in masseuse, and massages from our significant others are expected to be reciprocated (and who wants to do that?), so how are we supposed to alleviate our tense, overactive muscles? Below I have 3 options for you, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. (more…)

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